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can u pls make a .exe version?

game froze :

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ill be in the edit screen for what specs i want to release and it loves to freeze games fire tho and when i go to resume my save everything is null

Hah! As soon as I saw that loading screen - I knew it was Godot! I quickly checked the description, and it is Godot! Good to see more developers using Godot nowadays.

also is there any way to reset the full game?

because when you start you can continue or new game but you can't continue the new game

does this save?

I think it does not work


Nice game with a lot of potential. Would love to see it developed further. Keep up the good work!

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Help me develop and improve Linux Distro Dev Story. Please let me know your feedback :).

It's a great game, i have enjoyed the concept a lot! :D
Here's my of creative hint: (and take it with a grain of salt, i haven't made any game as big as yours)
you should think of a way to let the player see all available items in a list at once (my concrete case was, when i got a lot of available projects, and i had hard time comparing them, but the same problem may apply when you get more than a few workers or anything that's in a list).
Here are the solutions i can think of, but you can as well find a better one: ;)
Maybe adding numbers to the names of the items will make it better, because we won't be left with infinitely scroll-able list.
Or maybe you can try adding a visual list at the side when we explore available projects (and the other things with clickable next/prev arrows)